LASIK Thought Of The Day: Pregnancy
We have avoided performing LASIK during pregnancy or nursing. Some feel it is because the refractive error (that is, the glasses or contact lens prescription) can change when the body's endocrine system is altered. We have not been impressed with refractive changes during pregnancy, or nursing. The main reason we wait has to do with the use of eyedrops, or other drugs used after LASIK. Most of these drugs are eye drops, and probably very little would cross the placenta, or enters the mother's milk. But, why take a chance. After all, LASIK is elective surgery, and it can be performed before, or after, pregnancy and nursing. The same can be said of other medical procedures. It is preferable to clear up more serious conditions before performing LASIK.
Mitchell H. Friedlaender, M.D.
Director, Scripps Clinic Laser Vision Center
La Jolla, CA
Mitchell H. Friedlaender, M.D.
Director, Scripps Clinic Laser Vision Center
La Jolla, CA
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